If your dog has a particular condition or weakness, use our Food Energetics Chart to help prevent disease and restore balance:
- Feed according to the seasons – Summer feed neutral, cool and moisturizing foods; Winter feed warming foods.
- Avoid extremes (e.g., don’t feed only foods that are Yang)
- Consider the general temperature preference of your dog – seeking warmth or cold areas in the home etc
- Consider the TCM properties of certain diseases:
- Immune system too Yang: Skin disease/ear infections often characterized by Heat and Damp (discharges, redness, inflammation), acute fever, acute infections, abscesses, allergies, autoimmune, arthritis with inflamed and swollen joints, acute hepatitis, hot spots, skin infections, hyperactivity, aggression, agitation, hyperthyroidism (rare in dogs).
- Immune system too Yin: Chronic kidney disease, arthritis often characterized by cold (dog is seeking warmth), chronic fever, chronic infections, tumors, anaemia, diabetes, loose stools, generalized weakness, chronic digestive problems, hypothyroidism, Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
For more information see also, Food Energetics Chart:
Would like to have Raw feed chart
What kind of chart are you looking for Kevin?
are these based on cooked meats or raw?
what about RAW beef, lamb, fish, raw eggs, raw milk, are these yin or yang?
Hi Joel, these are the food energetics of the meat categories themselves, cooked or raw, doesn’t massively change their energy type per se – however cooking does change that energy slightly, so for example, Beef is listed on some charts as a neutral meat, on others a warming meat, so that would indicate it is on the neutral side of warm. Raw meat will always be cooler than roasted, so for example lamb, which is listed as a hot meat, served raw, would be cooler than roasted, which is heating. Generally, the longer and slower cooking methods are more warming – raw is cooler, steamed and boiled is neutral, all other cooking methods are warming, with roasting, grilling and barbequing the most heating. Eggs are generally listed as neutral, yet milk is interesting, raw milk is warm, yet pasteurised milk is neutral.
Which category does Asian carp fit into?
I find Asian carp to be more available, so I am interested in feeding them raw to my dogs.
Hi Luke, Carp is categorised as Neutral